Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Basketball Crossover Dribble Tutorial

Whats up basketball players? I have an interesting post on how you can develop a killer crossover today. I'm going to show you some crossover variations that you can add to your game.

The main reason for me writing this post and showing you a video demonstration later is to show you how to master this devastating move.

The key to this move is have explosive change of directions and top notch ball control and deception with this move. This move is all about selling and deceiving your opponent thinking that your going one way but in all reality your going the opposite way.

Mastering the basic Crossover 1st variation to the crossover dribble.

The key to mastering the basic crossover is to plant hard with your outside foot and make a low crossover dribble below your knee caps in a quick explosive manner.

This move is great when your attacking a defender in the open court and splitting the defense in a pick and roll scenario. The key to mastered this move is to work in a progressive manner.

I usually do stationary dribble drills pound crossover sequence to make crossover stronger and quick. The way to do these drills is to pick a number of pound dribbles before making a basic crossover.

The sequence I usually pick is 3,2,1 pound sequence. For example a workout for me to master this move in stationary drills will be. I make 3 explosive pound dribbles then crossover below my knees for a total of 10 reps.

Then I will advance to 2 pounds then 1 then none. The thing to remember to develop this crossover dribble is to have strict stationary dribble fundamentals and try to be explosive as you can with each pound dribble and crossover dribble.

Word of caution when you do the pound sequence drills your fore arms and shoulders are going to burn and hurt. When you train this move this is OK because your fore arms and shoulders are not conditioned to dribble the ball in an explosive manner yet.

I want you to stay optimistic with yourself with time the pain and conditioning will improve if you "Only if stick with it."

Mastering the Power Crossover 2nd variation to the crossover dribble.

To key to mastering the power crossover is once again planting your outside foot but as oppose to crossing over below your knee with the basic crossover know you will be crossing over from waist to waist. This move is specifically  for the open court when somebody is approaching you from the side to cut you off when your attacking with speed.

Also this move can be used in a variety of situations too like you attacking a defender in the half court to get past him to score, or set your teammates up for an open shot.

This move is more for protection when your changing directions the most dangerous basketball dribble move in the game of basketball is the crossover dribble. The crossover dribble is exposed momentarily as you cross the ball over to the other hand.

The best way to combat this move is with this move like I stated earlier this crossover exchange will be from waist to waist as opposed of the basic cross from knee to knee. The best way to master this move is progression of walking to sprinting.

To execute this move you need to pick an area of the court then work on the move in a straight line executing the power crossover.

The best way I know to execute this move is with sprinting with this move. First start out with 2 rhythm dribbles to advance the ball up the floor as you get up the floor in 2 dribbles then the dribble needs to be a explosive and quick Power Crossover dribble. This is probably the easiest one out the 3 variations to master because it does require you to have ball handling skills.

Mastering the Hesitation Crossover 3rd variation to the crossover dribble.

The key to mastering the hesitation Crossover is planting your outside foot but what separates this move from the other two variations that I discussed earlier in this post is that the ball will extended wider than the previous crossovers. 

This move is really good when you have an one on one isolation and when your sizing your defender to get him off balance. This move is also the most dangerous crossover to get called for a carrying or palming violation when your in live game situation.

This Crossover was Famous by Allen Iverson he used this move back in the late 1990's to cross Michael Jordan if you didn't see watch it Here. This move can be practiced in a stationary dribbling drill for 3 sets of 30 sets or for a number of trips while moving up the court I will say 3 sets of 3 trips.

In Conclusion, the crossover dribble is really effective move to have your game to get past your defender.

The Key I want you to remember is that each crossover variation I talked about earlier has its on effectiveness and use in different game situations.

At the end of the day you don't have to use every variation I discussed earlier in this post just pick one move and master it and you will be good to go.

Down below is a visually version on how to master the crossover dribble and drills to help you master it.


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